Hi, I’m Alex!

I’m a German fashion designer and proud Londoner for almost eleven years now – I just love this city so much!!!

I had my own fashion label but following Brexit and the pandemic I shifted my creativity towards content creation on Instagram as I wasn't happy anymore, and after months of isolation I wasn't even inspired to design new collections for my brand.

‘One door closes and another one opens’

The start of my Instagram account was a nice consequence of my work as a designer. Due to COVID I wasn't able to organise any photoshoots with models for the then upcoming collection and I had to be the model with my hubby acting as the photographer – and what can I say, I had sooo much fun :)

Since I used to take care of everything when I had my own brand with art direction and styling being some of my favourite parts of the job, I now see everything I love in my work coming together: the love for fashion and new trends, the fun to style new looks, the content creation and editing, the possibility to work with amazing brands, and the connection to like-minded people – it really is a dream-job for me!

I really hope you like my colourful outfits and take them as an inspiration to start playing around with fashion and just having fun with me!!

Alex xx